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University of Barcelona, Spain

Biel Obrador is an ecosystem ecologist specialized in carbon cycling in aquatic systems. His research aims to understand how aquatic ecosystem functioning responds to local and global drivers, using carbon biogeochemistry as a proxy. This includes greenhouse gas emissions from freshwaters, lake metabolism, carbon burial in lake and reservoir sediments, biogeochemical transformation of dissolved organic carbon and inorganic carbon dynamics in river networks, and biogeochemistry of temporary aquatic ecosystems. Biel is presently Associate Professor at the Department of Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences of the University of Barcelona, where he combines hisresearch with intense teaching at graduate and

postgraduate levels. His academic activity also includes course coordination, research on innovative teaching methodologies, and student supervision and mentorship.

Hares Khan is the ESR for MANTEL Project 2.  After completing his Bachelors Degree in human sciences, Hares initially studied anthropology and geography before being introduced to environmental sciences during his Masters' studies. Having a strong link and interest with aquatic environments, Hares decided to specialize in this domain. During his Masters' thesis, Hares explored the impact of functional diversity of phytoplankton communities on their capacity to use nitrogen as a resource function that is directly related to water quality and nutrient pollution. His previous education was in Switzerland.

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