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IGB Berlin - Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Germany

Hans-Peter Grossart is Head of the Research Group Aquatic Microbial Ecology; is Speaker of the Cross-Cutting Research Domain “Aquatic Biodiversity”; and is a Member of the Third Party Funding Committee  at the Leibniz Institute for Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB).  In addition, Hans-Peter is Professor of “Biodiversity and Microbial Ecology” at Potsdam University.  He is Editor and Reviewer for several journals and funding agencies; and is a member of the Directory Board of ASLO.  His research interests include: Oceanography and Limnology; Long-term-Data on Aquatic Systems; Linkage between Physics and Biology; Biodiversity; Ecology; Physiology and Genetics of Aquatic Microorganisms; Organic Matter Transformation and Greenhouse Gases; Remote Sensing as

a Tool for Aquatic Ecologists; Understanding Aquatic Food Web Structure and Organismic Interactions; Microbial Parasites and Viruses; Aquatic Fungi; Antibiotics Resistance in Microbes; and Microplastics.

Rita Adrian is Head of the Department of Ecosystem Research at IGB Berlin, and is a Professor at Free University of Berlin.  Rita has three broad areas of research interests: linking theory with data; lake metabolism and temporal scales; and biodiversity.  Specifically, Rita’s research focusses on limnology, ecology, high temporal resolution data, climate impact research and data management.

Truls Hansson is the ESR for Mantel Project 6. He undertook a MSc on phenotypic plasticity in Three-spined Sticklebacks at the University of Oslo. After graduating, Truls worked for two months as a field assistant for the Norwegian Institute of Water Research (NIVA) on the MARS project at the IGB LakeLab in Neuglobsow, Germany, participating in mesocosmos colouring, and mixing experiments.  He has also recently been employed as a scientific assistant in genetic epidemiology, advising on methods for analysing molecular-genetic data from large health-surveys and developing methods for estimating narrow sense heritability (h2) of complex phenotypes and developing methods for separating h2 from shared environmental effects.

Mike Thayne is the ESR for Mantel Project 7. He undertook his Batchelor Degree at Utah Valley University, USA, researching groundwater hydrology near Creel, Mexico, and more specifically isolating predictors of Arsenic in Tarahumara Indian drinking water. Subsequently, Mike worked for Federal and State government agencies conducting fisheries biology, vegetation, and wildlife management research for 5 years. He returned to academia in 2015, attending the University Centre of the Westfjords in Iceland. For his Masters thesis, he conducted hydroacoustic research using 12 years of acoustic data collected on the central coast of California to classify and estimate relative abundance of

two ecologically important forage fish species (anchovy and juvenile rockfish). The results were compared to independent data sets reflecting seabird diet and relative abundance estimates compiled by NOAA.

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